
Film Looks Like Fact, Pixar's Up and Edith Macefield

The new animated Pixar film "Up" (opening Friday) starts as an echo of a real lady's life in Ballard Washington. Edith Macefield held her ground while her neighborhood was torn down and giant buildings went up around her. She even refused one million dollars to move and opted to live the rest of her life in her own home. The gentrifying construction was forced to leave her patch of old school neighborhood paradise intact.

Disney and Pixar honored her spirit and acknowledged her story's tie to the film.

The realities of high wind, concrete walls and balloon poppage kept the real life version from looking as dramatic as the film, but it was a nice thought. "Up" sounds like a fun new adventure, Edith would probably approve.

This story also reminds me of another character that refused to budge in the face of "progress"...

1 comment:

Ameisha said...

This story also reminds me of one of my favorite books when I was little called "The Little House" by Virginia Lee Burton!