
Places to Wander


Please add your links if you are not already linked and a little something about yourself (if you like) here in the comments section. This will be a list of places to see people to meet. :) It will be linked on the side (edit- it is now linked over to the right :)). If you have recommendations of other places feel free to mention those too. I may add a few things I see and like too..


Anonymous said...

Hell's Queen, a novel of redemption

Wunx~ said...

Love your TLLT blog, it is a delight to the eyes and imagination. You've been a link on my blog for a while now.

Thanks for the nice comment on TheWitlessWanderer, http://thewitlesswanderer.blogspot.com, about the quail chick. Their love of hunting is the one thing I would change about my cats if I could.

Two of my other favorite blogs are Word Imperfect, http://wordimperfect.blogspot.com/, and Bioephemera, http://www.bioephemera.com/.

nfad said...

well well, you left a comment on my blog which was rather pleasant, REALLY!HAHA.

I have linked your blog,thought it would be nice to share it with the other half of the world!:)

Continuum of Everything, fad

Driftwood said...

I just love calling in here. And what a joy to find you'd popped in on 'Drifting on a Dream'.
I've put both your blog links on my roll - such delights deserve to be shared!
Keep us smiling!

ao tomato said...

thanks for dropping by at sky first then shoes (you even left a comment - which makes me very happy). a sky every day - with a little writing on. it is my thinking space. a cloudy notepad. square format. type-writer text. i sometimes have guest sky-spotters visiting too!

(you might really like to visit 3191 as well - they do a different type of image-association)

DeLi said...

Hi TLLT, thanks for opening the door, im more than glad to come and join here. am happy to see you commenting in my blog - http://liderata.blogspot.com

im a hopeless wanderer, photo-happy trigger girl and a dreamer

Boricua in Texas said...

I like your blog very much. I have already linked to it from my blog, Boricua in Texas.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting my blog, Thoughts by D. H. Pang

I just hope to inspire people the way you do.

Anonymous said...

thanks for stopping by Happiness .... and leaving a smile for me.

this is one of my favorite places to wander - especially when i feel stressed .....

FiKaLo said...

Thanks for visiting A Humble Art Folio (http://fikalo.blogspot.com), and for leaving a comment!

A little about me? Australian, occasionally accused of eccentricity, 20-something... I like animals and read a lot of books!

enar arshad said...

i love your blog.i am from maysia, loves poetry and photography too.

Shaun said...

You are linked on my blog, The Antique Whisk. I am a mild-mannered park sign technician by day, daring thrower of clay by night. I am Mommie to 5 Furkids and 1 feathered one. And we live on 3/4 acre in the country- enjoying the flora/fauna that comes with it.

Thanks for such a visual feast with your blog.

dEliRiuM said...

I love your blog and have linked it to mine for some time now (www.manicdelirium.blogspot.com).

I hope to convey with words what you do with the photos you find.

It is such an inspiration to all!

Dana said...

This is such an awesome blog! I am never bored and constantly amazed by what I see. Thank you for allowing us to 'peek' into your world of work!

I have had your link on my blog at http://ventageinklings.blogspot.com
since I stumbled across yours...

Paulette said...

Like others have said, this is one of my favorite places to stop. I look forward to seeing your out look on the world. I have been sharing your site for a while. Thank you for stopping in on my site, http://becomingarenaissancewoman.blogspot.com/, and leaving the nice comment.

snowy said...

WOW!!!! Most beautiful photos...!! A most pleasing sight for sore eyes...!!!!

Rach said...

Love this blog! I come here and just look at all of the cool photos. Very inspiring! I have a bead blog that I post on at http://3sistersbeads.blogspot.com/

Angie Weid said...

I am delighted you "Linked" me! I have returned the favor.

Keep up the beautiful work.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Love this blog. Such creative eyes you have my dear! Your blog has been linked from mine to spread the word about your wonderful work.

C Merry said...

This is a recent fellow "blog of note" worth checking out
I am sure all the BON's are worth looking into I just loved the imagination behind this one :)

The King of Pennsylvania said...

Hello. I stumbled on to this blog and enjoyed it. Thanks.

C Merry said...


Beautiful imagery, gorgeous little world to explore.

Indeterminacy said...

Life is so beautiful whenever I'm visiting your blog. The creativity you present here is an inspiration to me.

Anonymous said...

thank you for the joy and beauty you share. i always look forward to checking in here.

Gillian Mowbray said...

I linked to your blog some weeks ago and it's my favourite place to visit for some visual therapy.

Photography is my first love. Thanks for putting some colour into our lives.


Eryn Leigh said...

I still cling to the childish pipedream of being a photojournalist, or something of equal artistic importance. As it stands, I am still a writer, who takes a lot of pictures that make people think.
Best I can hope for I suppose.

Lipstick Without Borders

circadia667 said...

each of us take in our environment in unique ways, and are there for moved by different things. some of us have strong ties to music, some to touch and feel, some to words, and others to visuals. i am one of those visual people. and for me this web site (along with things you write) really hits home. i can not come to this website without remembering how awe inspiring our existence can be and how connected we could all be. for that i thank you an so very much.


C Merry said...

I always have this feeling of needing to look over my shoulder and then look back and say like a wallflower at a dance *pointing to self* are you talking to me?
Thank you. Knowing that anything I do is appreciated is amazing and wonderful to me thank you.

sramosobriant said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sramosobriant said...

does the beauty of nature exist without us? Your site is a dream that I want to share.

Chris said...

Your blog is amazing. You have a great eye for things that look alike- not in a totally apparent way, but in a subtle way readers may have to squint to see. I've linked you on my humble blog.

Another blog I really like is http://indexed.blogspot.com/

sb said...


Weeping Sore said...

Found you serendipitously and it was love at first sight. Not that creepy internet predator kind or anything, just amazement and stupefaction at what your eyes see, and what your brain organizes into lyrical story. Thanks for helping me grow. Visit me at: http://growthis.blogspot.com/

Qiang said...

Hey there, been visiting your blog for sometime now..fantastic and unique i shall put it.. absolutely love it. Keep up the good work!! looking forward to your every post. =)

Steven said...

I've been following for a while and you've fast become one of my favorite views. Love the way you make connections.


Suzanne G. said...

I love your blog. Here's the link to mine.
